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The 32nd Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics
CAIM 2025, Bucharest, September 18-21, 2025


CAIM series provide a forum for the review of the recent trends in applied and industrial mathematics either from a qualitative or from a numerical point of view.

Since theoretical studies find sooner or later their applicability, the conference has also sections for the theoretical branches of mathematics like algebra or geometry. Computer science communications are welcome.

A special section of the conference is dedicated to the mathematical teaching.


Partial Differential Equations; Ordinary Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems; Mathematical Modeling in Engineering and Life Sciences;Real, Complex, Functional and Numerical Analysis;Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Operations Research;Algebra, Logic, Geometry;Computer Science;Education

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Abstract submission

Conference sections.

  1. Partial Differential Equations

  2. Ordinary Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems;

  3. Mathematical Modeling in Engineering and Life Sciences;

  4. Real, Complex, Functional and Numerical Analysis;

  5. Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Operations Research;

  6. Algebra, Logic, Geometry;

  7. Computer Science;

  8. Education.

We invite presentations on the outlined topics or any other in close relation to.

The abstracts for Sections 1-7 shall be written in English by using the LATEX, while, the abstracts for Section 8 may be written in English or Romanian by using LATEX or Microsoft Word.

Abstracts should be submitted to before: August 15, 2025


The Proceedings of the Conference will be published in ROMAI Journal, sections 1-7. The Proceedings will contain only the papers accepted after the reviewing process.

The contributors to the didactic Section 8 can publish their paper(s) in a special volume, here one can find a template and instructions. The final paper should be submitted to before: August 20, 2025



The authors of accepted papers have to register for the conference before September 1st, 2025.

To register, the authors must fill in a Register form received from organizators.

Please note that only the registered papers will be scheduled.

Registration Fee

before September 1 after September 1
Bronze Package: 100 EUR 130 EUR
Silver Package: 150 EUR 200 EUR
Golden Package *: 200 EUR 250 EUR
Platinum Package *: 250 EUR 300 EUR
* it could be more expansive

Full ROMAI members will pay a reduced Registration Fee

Packages include
Conference materials
Certificate of attendance
Coffee break
Conference dinner

The conference fees will be paid to:

the account in EURO of ROMAI: RO19BRDE445SV10137674160, held at BRD-Groupe Societe Generale, SWIFT BRDEROBU or

the account in RON of ROMAI: RO23BRDE445SV00031164160, held at BRD-Groupe Societe Generale, SWIFT BRDEROBU.

The conference fees can be also paid at conference desk

General Schedule, September 18-21, 2025

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
9.00-12.30 Opening Ceremony
Invited Lecturers
Invited Lecturers Trip
12.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30-19.30 Registration
Talks Talks
19.30-22.00 Banquet

Premiul pentru matematici aplicate ADELINA GEORGESCU

Photo AG

Premiul este destinat promovarii realizarilor deosebite din domeniul matematicii, in special al celei aplicate, obtinute de tineri matematicieni din Romania si Republica Moldova, in spiritul continuarii impulsurilor date de-a lungul intregii sale activitati de catre fondatoarea ROMAI, Adelina Georgescu (1942-2010).

Premiul, in valoare de 3000 RON, (oferit de familia Adelinei Georgescu si ROMAI), se acorda anual, prin concurs.

Pentru inscrierea la concurs, persoanele interesate vor trimite documentele prevazute in regulamentul concursului pe adresa .

Pentru editia 2025 data limita de inscriere este 10 August 2025.


The works of the conference will take place at Politehnica University of Bucharest-Faculty of Applied Sciences, Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, Bucharest, Romania.


There will be a limited numbers of rooms in a student campus. For those interested it is advisable to send a request in early time.

Bucharest has a rich network of hotels.

As there is no agreement between organizers and certains hotels, the participants must make personal reservation to the hotel where they wish to accomodate, Bucharest travel guide.


Bucharest is well connected with all major cities from the world.

One can hit to Bucharest by plane, train or car.

Bucharest Henri Coanda Bucharest Airport and Bucharest Train Station CFR, eurail are the two gates for airlines and railways, respectively.


Organizing Committee
Stelian Ion
Romeo Bercia

Important Dates

Deadline for submitting abstracts August 15, 2025
Notification of accepted abstracts August 20, 2025
Deadline for submitting final paper(didactic Section) August 20, 2025
Deadline for reduced fee September 1, 2025
Registration deadline September 1, 2025
Conference dates September 18-21, 2025